Investor's Champion Blog
Provides refreshingly forthright, independent comment on predominantly small cap companies and specialist investment funds. Informed opinion, based on first-hand research, but pulls no punches in exposing management weaknesses.

Best of the Best - but the worst possible timing

Those who of you who pass through the UK’s airports on a regular basis will surely have noticed the beautiful Aston Martins or Ferraris on display in the departure lounges. These are not just there to add to the scenery but by purchasing a ticket in one of their competitions, you could be the lucky owner of a ‘dream’ car!

Best of the Best, the AIM quoted business behind the concept, has suffered difficult times since their admission to AIM last summer. Shortly after flotation, the UK’s airports were hit by terrorist alerts which significantly ate into the company’s revenue and profit. It was hardly the ‘best’ time to join the AIM community!

They have made significant progress since then and with the ticket price now reduced from £60 to £20 and the length of the competition halved to 4 weeks, their competitions are attracting many more participants.

Management remain confident of hitting their broker’s estimates of c£700k PBT for 2007. It was also encouraging to see the non exec Chairman acquiring a few shares. However, their business unfortunately remains at the mercy of the terrorist alert.


Investor's Champion is a registered trade mark of Investors Champion Ltd.  Investor’s Champion Limited is a company registered in England and Wales under number 03577867 whose registered office is at Langwood House, 63-81 High Street, Rickmansworth, Herts WD3 1EQ. Investor’s Champion Ltd is associated with Fundamental Asset Limited who is authorised and regulated by the Financial Services Authority.
