Investor's Champion Blog
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Dobbies - Congratulations on a great Annual Report and Accounts for 2006

Congratulations to Dobbies Garden Centres for a wonderful Annual Report and Accounts for 2006.

Full of beautiful photos and bound in such way that ensures the pages don’t detach themselves the minute you start turning them, this lavish publication presents the popular garden centre group in the best possible light-the figures aren’t too bad either.

The report doesn’t just provide all the normal facts and figures bit also provides a history of the business, key gardening milestones in history, strategy, location maps of all Dobbies centres -in fact the complete Dobbies experience. They even point out that the mailing bag is biodegradable and should be put on the garden compost heap-all great stuff!

An enormous amount of effort seems to have gone into this excellent document and other AIM companies could learn a lot from this, not least that6 you hide a lot of bad news with presentation this good!

My one disappointment- unlike last year there was no pack of seeds attached to this year’s report. Maybe they consider that the seeds are already sown!


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