Investor's Champion Blog
Provides refreshingly forthright, independent comment on predominantly small cap companies and specialist investment funds. Informed opinion, based on first-hand research, but pulls no punches in exposing management weaknesses.

Morgan Stanley & Sports Direct - time for the research analysts to do some real research

I see that the analyst at Morgan Stanley responsible for covering Sport’s Direct has announced that as the firm has limited confidence in the revised forecasts they no longer believe they have sufficient basis for fundamental valuation work on the stock and await contact with management.

Isn’t this just the moment when the big (big=highly paid) analysts should really start to justify their even bigger salaries by getting out in the market and doing some real ‘kick the tyres’ research.

Surely it’s no good complaining about access to management and more about arriving at an opinion as a result of first hand experience of the market and Sport’s direct offering.

Forget about what management says and get and find out what customers think, what they are buying and where they are buying it!

Come on chaps, for once you might actually produce something that's actually worth reading!


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